March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

Summer Vacation is Over?

Well, summer is almost over. Can you believe it? I took all of July off from blogging and doing much of anything.  Yes, we did do a bit of schooling here and there, but nothing huge. This coming week is VBS at our home church so once that week is over it is back to a real schedule. That means back to math and music and reading during summer school. I don't want to get back into school mid September and that first week seem like a year long journey. I want to ease back into a full schedule.

Anyway, I am realizing as I look at my financial situation that this coming fall we will not be able to continue with Heart of Dakota: Preparing. I am SO bummed. I really loved the program, but things are not working out the way I want them to. So, this coming week I will be basically trying to put my own program together. I am going to try to somewhat follow the format laid out in Preparing, if I can. So we shall see.

My goal for this coming year is to continue to blog my teachings each week. Heck, I look forward to the challenge of putting together my curriculum and hopefully you, my reader will stick around with me for a while. So here we go, research, research, research! Wish me luck!

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