February 2025

Splish Book from TOS

And Then Mama Said…”It Takes Time to Learn to Read”. Isn’t that such a true statement? We sometimes forget this as a homeschooler and try to rush and push our children to keep up with so and so. But reality is that our children will read when their brain is good and ready!

This book by Gena Suarez and Kevin Collier is a wonderful reminder of just that. OK, now first let me say that this book is geared toward a read aloud for the younger kids or for a child who is a reader already, but it is a great reminder to the parent who takes it in hand and reads it to their children.

My boy, 6 who is reading pretty good now, absolutely loved this book. He loved the story and when Mama listed one of the reasons she homeschooled in the book, my sons’ eyes lit up. He said, “See Mommy Splish is homeschooled too”. (He is too cute, but then again I may be a bit prejudice!) My daughter, 3, enjoyed the book too, however I printed it out in black and white and when she saw the color graphics on the computer she loved it even more and was more interested in listening. Yea Color!

Oh did I mention there is a companion workbook too? I highly recommend this book. It was fun, talked of God and was a great reminder that we do NOT need push our kids to read. It Takes Time to Learn to Read!

You can go to The Old School House and pick up a copy of the e-book for only $9.95 and get the activity workbook for free. Not too bad of a deal. If your not sure, go ahead and download a sample and see for yourself how cute it is. You won’t regret it!

Score 9 out of 10

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