- Project on how important bones are for stability!
- The science of bones
- Believe it or not we are learning about bones here
- Look Ma No Bones!
- I’ve fallin and I can’t get up!
- Going down without his bones!!!
- My daughter making her little man without bones. Looks a little flat!
- Aww, he stands when he gets his bones!
- Science of the brain
- Which brain would you like to have???
- Now this brain, ie egg, has cerebrospinal fluid, water, and just look….
- Ewwww. This is what your brain looks like without the cerebrospinal fluid
- Shake, shake, shake! Brains! Should have waited to do this one until 10-31.
- Son’s history map…learning about King James of Scotland and England
- King James’ ship the Susan Constant…daughter’s color page
- My daughter’s History map
- Daughter’sgeography of Oregon
- Son’s geography of Oregon
- Son’s geography of Oregon
- Daughter’s geography of Oregon
- Writing a little bit of his own opinion
- Learning to spot a good way to write your opinion
- My son is learning about writing his opinion of WHY!
- My daughter had to remake a fairy tale ending.
- Me in the News. Daughter’s writing assignment
- Twisted Fairy Tale writing assignment for my daughter
This week was a yucky week. I have had such little sleep because of this stupid cough. Most nights I get about 30-45 min of sleep before I am awaken by a 10 min coughing attack. Oh well, I guess that is better then no sleep at all. But I feel I am getting a little dingy now in school. Reading is tough and by Fri, I was having a really hard time. All I wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep!
Bones, bones, bones! We have them all and this week we started our unit in science on bones. The one thing in our body that keeps us from looking like a octopus. One of the fun projects we did this week was using our play-dough to make a little guy and see if he would stand without some sort of structural support. Nope! They all fell down.
I have to admit I am really loving all the little tiny experiments so far in this Apologia Science. I thought that so many would be to daunting, but they are exciting and put a fun spin on our science. Just like the one we did about our brains. As we learn about bones and how they protect us we also learn that the skull is more then just the shape to our faces. It is also the Kevlar for our brain as well as the cerebrospinal fluid. The experiment for this was so much fun. The kids loved shaking those eggs and to my surprise the container with the egg and water did not break!
King James the VI of Scotland also know as King James the I of England was an interesting man. There were some thing that we read that were not very flattering. I guess all rulers do things that are not great. But he really kinda gave it to the Catholic, Protestants and Anglicans. The Puritans wanted James to change the English church but he refused as well as refused to listen to Parliament. He thought he had the GOD given right to do what he pleased, when and how. The one thing he did give us was the King James Bible. Not sure if that is a good thing or not since he was more like a dictator. But at least it was the first translation into the English language.
The beautiful state of Oregon. We have a few family member there. As we work our way through the pacific states, this week we landed in Oregon. I think the kids are enjoying this simplistic way of doing geography. Last year we had a much more in depth curriculum and we liked it, but taking it back a step this year has been nice. Plus we are really learning much more about each state.
Psalm 3 is our verse for this week. Learning to look to the Lord in all we do is hard no matter who you are. We are human and it is difficult to think that we cannot do it all ourselves. This curriculum by Lamp and Quill is starting to make more sense. I think has we nudge forward with this program it will get better and better.
1 O Lord, how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me. 2 Many are saying of my soul, “There is no deliverance for him in God.” Selah. 3 But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head. 4 I was crying to the Lord with my voice, And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah. 5 I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me. 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me round about. 7 Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God!
For You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek; You have shattered the teeth of the wicked. 8 Salvation belongs to the Lord; Your blessing be upon Your people! Selah.
Rod and Staff has been a favorite in our home for a very long time for English, Penmenship, Reading and now Health. The 5th grade health program is working out well for us. We are just learning that not only does the world say we should stay clean but brings us in the Bible to show us how even God cares about us being clean not only on the outside but on the inside too.
My son’s composition program, Jump In, is working out well. He really grimaced at the size of the book when I first gave it to him, but now he sees that it is such a great and slow approach for those who HATE to write. I really feel this will be a long lasting learning experience for him and not the drudgery of the other programs we have tried in the past.
On the other hand, my daughter is doing OK with her program. She has one of the same problems my son has. They know how to spell a word during a test or when asked, but when they start to write they forget how to spell even their own name…well almost! But, at least this program did tell her to write the whole thing the first time without care to spelling and grammar and then re-write after correcting her errors.
A+ Math is going GREAT! They love it and they are learning pretty good. My daughter has a bad attitude this year about several subjects and even though she is enjoying the program, she still just sits there and does not pay close enough attention soooo, I still have to sit next to her a few days a week to make sure she is paying attention to the concepts.
Of course we are still working on our flash cards with the Windows 8 apps we have. They love it and my son has improved tremendously on those division facts. Even my daughter is taking less and less time to complete the flash cards. YEA!!! Wish I would have had my Windows 8 computer a few years ago!!!
Lastly we come to choir and piano. My son is doing really good in piano. I think not having my daughter in there with him is really helping. I listen to him practice and he just flies through the pieces now. Still have to work on both of them practicing longer. They think 5 minutes and they are done…hardly!
As far as choir goes. I told you we have started a new choir, the Magnum Singers. This is for the teenagers. Although we have an 11 year old in there. It is one of the directors sons, sooo. It is going well. I am learning how to play the alto and sing the soprano parts at the same time. Whew, too much for my tired brain to handle this week with all the lack of sleep.
Well, I think that is about it for this week. Next week we have TONS of Dr. appointment for us and my mom. Our insurance is going away soon so we are catching up on well baby visits, eye Dr., Dentist and my mom has many of her own yearly visits scheduled. So I will be busy as a beaver this week outside of school. Either way, I will catch you all on the flip side!
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