March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 1-6-14



Oh man, Back from Christmas vacation.  I have to admit it has not been easy to get back on the band wagon. You see I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I first got struck with an everyday cold which turned into laryngitis. Then after a week of that I got the flu. That took almost 2 weeks for me to just start feeling normal and want to get back to regular life and then I got the stomach flu. OMGosh!.  I actually did research and found, yes a person can get three viruses in a row. I even talked to a friend who is the medical field and found out that this year they have been seeing more and more of this type of thing happening. I had a friend try to tell me it was because I was a vegetarian, but that was quickly knocked out of the park, because all my research as well as my friend said that if you are getting or are sick to increased you vegetable and fruit intake and decrease sugar and fatty meats. I think stress was the big factor for having a suppressed immune system! It will catch you every time! Well, anyway, I am still trying to recover from it. I’m tired! But On-Ward-Hoe! Even with all of that we had a pretty good week.

Ahh, the age of Crusades! Now I know that some of you reading these posts probably think, lady, you either went to a pretty bad school or you have a terrible memory. But I think I have tried to just throw away my schooling years because they were not the best years of my life! But I really did forget what the crusades were all about. I knew it was a religious thing, but I forgot that it was the Christians, Islamic and the Jewish empire, so to speak, that were fighting  over Jerusalem.  The Jews, Christians and the Muslims all wanted to go to Jerusalem. But the Muslims kept the Jews and the Christians from ever entering the city. The pope ended up sending Knights to try to recapture the city for the Christians. Hmmm, the fighting has not stopped since!

Africa is the country we started to study in Geography this month. Boy, I am constantly looking towards to pronounce some of the countries I have not heard much of. So far we have just started to fill in our map and work on where some of these places are. But we did do a fun Geography term this week. Strait. Funny thing, as you can see by the picture, we ended up drawing a picture of the strait of Gibraltar. Funny how sometimes all these things come together like that.

This week in science we just finished up a few left over notebooking things and reviewed what we had learned about the big cats. So nit much of any interest this week in that. Next week we will start on Marsupials. That will be a fun couple of weeks.

Alright, back into the groove with math, reading, spelling and English this week; just basically doing a week of review. You know we took 2 weeks off this year, LOVED IT, so I wanted to take this first week back just to review where we left off from the weeks before.

Anyway, next week we will be in full swing with everything. I am looking forward to getting well, and not being sick and exhausted in the up coming weeks.

See you all next week.

IMG_5858 IMG_5859 IMG_5860 IMG_5861 IMG_5862 IMG_5865 IMG_5867 IMG_5868 IMG_5869 IMG_5870Oh man, Back from Christmas vacation.  I have to admit it has not been easy to get back on the band wagon. You see I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I first got struck with an everyday cold which turned into laryngitis. Then after a week of that I got the flu. That took almost 2 weeks for me to just start feeling normal and want to get back to regular life and then I got the stomach flu. OMGosh!.  I actually did research and found, yes a person can get three viruses in a row. I even talked to a friend who is the medical field and found out that this year they have been seeing more and more of this type of thing happening. I had a friend try to tell me it was because I was a vegetarian, but that was quickly knocked out of the park, because all my research as well as my friend said that if you are getting or are sick to increased you vegetable and fruit intake and decrease sugar and fatty meats. I think stress was the big factor for having a suppressed immune system! It will catch you every time! Well, anyway, I am still trying to recover from it. I’m tired! But On-Ward-Hoe! Even with all of that we had a pretty good week.

Ahh, the age of Crusades! Now I know that some of you reading these posts probably think, lady, you either went to a pretty bad school or you have a terrible memory. But I think I have tried to just throw away my schooling years because they were not the best years of my life! But I really did forget what the crusades were all about. I knew it was a religious thing, but I forgot that it was the Christians, Islamic and the Jewish empire, so to speak, that were fighting  over Jerusalem.  The Jews, Christians and the Muslims all wanted to go to Jerusalem. But the Muslims kept the Jews and the Christians from ever entering the city. The pope ended up sending Knights to try to recapture the city for the Christians. Hmmm, the fighting has not stopped since!

Africa is the country we started to study in Geography this month. Boy, I am constantly looking towards to pronounce some of the countries I have not heard much of. So far we have just started to fill in our map and work on where some of these places are. But we did do a fun Geography term this week. Strait. Funny thing, as you can see by the picture, we ended up drawing a picture of the strait of Gibraltar. Funny how sometimes all these things come together like that.

This week in science we just finished up a few left over notebooking things and reviewed what we had learned about the big cats. So nit much of any interest this week in that. Next week we will start on Marsupials. That will be a fun couple of weeks.

Alright, back into the groove with math, reading, spelling and English this week; just basically doing a week of review. You know we took 2 weeks off this year, LOVED IT, so I wanted to take this first week back just to review where we left off from the weeks before.

Anyway, next week we will be in full swing with everything. I am looking forward to getting well, and not being sick and exhausted in the up coming weeks.

See you all next week.

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