- Son’s Map work for History
- Daughter’s Map work for History
- Son’s coloring page for History
- Son’s coloring page for History
- Daughter’s coloring page for History
- Daughter’s coloring page for History
- Daughter’s coloring page for History
- My son working on the Nitz Tartan
- My daughterworking on the Nitz Tartan
- My son working on the Nitz Tartan
- My son working on his history map
- My son’s Scottish Tartan
- My daughter’s Scottish Tartan
- My son’s drawing of the inside of a cell
- My daughter’s drawing of the inside of a cell
- Daugther’s Lesson 1 drawing of what we learned in Science
- Son’s Lesson 1 drawing of what we learned in Science
- Daughter’s creative writing for the week.
Well, what a whirl wind of a week. We had sooooo much going on. Monday night we went to an Angels game. Now don’t hate me if your not an Angels fan. We live in Orange County, whatcha going to do? Not go to an Angels game? Anyway, we had a great time. My husbands Improv group (improvcityonline.com) was there too. It is always nice to hang out once in a while with the people you work with. BTW, Angels won over the Mariners!
On Thursday we had our yearly free tickets to L.A. County Fair. Yes, you read that right, free. Every year around spring time they send out an email for all the schools and homeschools to get their free tickets. We are allowed to get into the Fair 3 hours before it opens up to the general public. It is wonderful. We get three hours to go and learn about the animals, trains and whatever else they have in the learning centers without the huge crowds. Love It!
Now this is the first year that we have had a good amount of free spending money when going to the fair. However, we still could not afford the rides. Get this! 10 tickets for $5 and each ride take 14-20 tickets. Yes that is about $10 for one 1 minute ride. Oh yes, you could buy an all day pass for $50 per person. That’s $100 for just my kids. Oh and if you want to get to the front of the lines faster you could purchase, for an extra $25, a fast pass. Oh! My! Gosh! So needless to say the kids went on 1 ride each and we will wait till our home towns fair, Tustin Tiller Days, comes to us in a few weeks. All weekend ride passes are $25. And that’s good for 3 days. It’s just a small fair, but packed with a ton of fun!
OK enough of my ranting! Lets get onto school. Lets start with the Bible. This weeks verse was Psalm 2.
Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!” 4 He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. 5 Then He will speak to them in his anger And terrify them in His fury, saying, 6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.” 7 “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. 8 ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. 9 ‘You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.’” 10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth.11 Worship the Lord with reverence And rejoice with trembling. 12 Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
We learned this week that if we plot against God that He just shakes his head and giggles at us!. Come on, really. Who do we think we are that we can scoff at God and it will affect Him?! Kinda like we adults snicker under our breath at our kiddos when they try to sneak attack and try to take us down. We also read that we have to take refuge in Him at all time. This is our goal, to always be in Him so that we have a defense against the evil forces, so to say, that are out there plotting against us.
Because our week was so messed up. Staying out late several nights and then having all day Thursday and half day Fri off we did not accomplish as much as we normally do. But my daughter managed to get one of her assignments done for her creative writing. She made up an ending to one of her favorite Fairy Tales. Now she really was not into this very much, but she did a great job for only having to write 4-5 sentences. I think this is good for her. I waited on the creative writing for her because she was a little behind on the learning to read proficiently. but since she the end of last year and through the summer she really got the reading and actually reads now above her grade level so now it was time to get her into creative writing! BTW, love the ending!
My son’s creative writing has not gone really anywhere so far. He is still at the stage of the Jump In program of learning about the different types of writing and learning about himself. but I noticed this next week it jumps right into the actual art of writing. I am looking forward to posting some of his results!
In our Apologia Science this week we are off to a great start. Our first assignment was to learn about a cell. What is actually inside a cell. Funny thing, I had purchased a few posters for our Botany science and one of them is taped to a window in our school room. It never got taken down when we finished Botany. Well when we started learning about a cell, we opened the blinds and had all the answers right there. This was a great help. Glad we forgot to take it down. As you can see their drawings are pretty darn good.
Story of the World is going well for us. This week we continued our learning of of Phillip’s inheritance from King Charles as well as learning about poor Queen Mary. She was one of those Queens that did not get a real big chance to rein. She was held captive by some of her own people in her court then allowed to sit on the thrown for a while then chased away. She ended up going to her cousin Queen Elizabeth and after being thrown in a small comfortable home and kept prison there she was eventually beheaded by Elizabeth. Poor thing! WHAT A TERRIBLE LIFE!
One of our projects this week was to make a Scottish Tartan. This went right along with learning about Queen Mary! Originally we were suppose to paint on fabric, but I knew neither of us would ever use the fabric so we ended up just doing it on paper. We actually have our very own Nitz Clan Tartan. I think it is lovely!
We finished up our reading on California this week. This is the only state we are actually taking more then a week to go over, but it was worth it. We learned a ton about one of the greatest states out there. No offense to anyone in any other state. Next week I think we will head on up to Oregon.
You may be asking what about the Fair? We had a great time. I already complained about the cost of things so I won’t go there again. I, I mean we had a blast in the Big Red Barn. This is where we normally spend the majority of our time. I fed the sheep and goats and a cow. Yea, I know slobber, slobber, but they are so sweet! Just love it. And we also had a lesson on milking a cow. None of us really drink milk, but that was interesting anyhow. We always enjoy learning about the animals and getting our hands a bit gross for a little while! My son and I would love to go live on a farm, but I think the distance away from people would kill us since we are very social!
We went into the hall of Heros. That was very interesting. It was a combination of Superheros, which again my kids have never really been into, but looking around and learning about the REAL LIFE super hero’s was fantastic. Plus we got to meet a transformer. LOL!
We had a great time. I wish we could do it for two days in a row to be able to take in everything, but no matter what it was fun and a great learning experience.
Well I think that’s about it for this week so I will catch you all on the flip side of next week. Have a great week!
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