March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

Schleich Action Figures

What a joy it was to open this box. My kids were overjoyed to see a box full of animals from Schleich to add to their collection. You know there are those that claim they are hand painted and then when you look at it the eyes are all crooked or something. Not Schleich! These toys are meticulously made and painted to look life like. And they DO! This company was founded in 1935, so you know they are doing something right. Their toys are of fantastic, lasting, detailed quality.

They have all sorts of animals; like farm animals, wild life, forest animals, and pets oh and trees, horse farms, knights American Frontier etc. I can see doing a unit study on American Frontier and using these figures to make your studies come to life! They even have a real cute elf series which you can view the chapter of the story of the elves. Oh, and for all of you out there in my age range (late 30’s early 40’s) they have the Smurfs. They are sooo cute!

Anyway, the prices range of course depending on the figurine from about $2.50 to $160.00. Most of the figurines though are between $3.00 and $9.00. Hey if you want some of those science studies or theme studies to come to life, add a few of these action figures to it. You really will not regret that you did!

Schleich is currently running a Hobby Farm Home Contest. Now until March 31, 2009, send in a photo of your farm diorama of course using Schleich animal figurines and accessories, and you could win a Schleich Red Barn valued at $159.99! Hey, what a great photography lesson, farm life theme study and I am sure for those of you out there more creative then me, can come up with even more things to study just for this contest! Have fun and good luck!

10 out of 10

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