February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things


L LLL aryngitis  
Inflammation of the larynx, often with accompaning sore thorat, horseness or loss of voice, and dry cough.

 It is always amazing to me the grace of God. Every year, right around the begining of December or so, I have gotten laryngitis, ever since I was in college. This year I was totally expecting it and when God was good to me and I did not get sick toward the end of November, I was thanking Him over and over again. I had several singing engagements that I had to perform at as well as my church choir and the children's choir I direct had several performances too. So December was a busy month.

But you know it never fails that God has other plans for me and my voice. Yes, I finally got it on Tuesday. I was kind of sick Thursday and Friday. I had a high temp for a day and then all the sudden I was fine. Ah, but Monday night it hit and it hit hard. So hard I literally did not have a single squeak by Tuesday morning. I barely could whisper! This was very upsetting to me. So much so I had a little cry Tuesday night before I went to sleep because I will not be able to sing for my 10 year reunion of a ministry I have been singing for, you guessed it, 10 years! Someone else will be taking my place. That is upsetting! Boo Hoo!

But you know what the blessing or lesson of this was for me? It is the fact that I have had to SHUT UP for 2 days now and will probably have to keep silent for about another day or two.

Oh, what is good about that you ask? The kids are really listening! Now first let me say, I DO NOT have bad kids. They listen really good almost all of the time and they obey about the same. I have thanked God over and over for the wonderful children He gave me. But, with Mom having to write everything or whisper or go through Dad, it has really made a difference in the way they behave. Even BETTER!

We started school on Monday, but since by Tuesday I could not talk, I decided we would take this whole week off from school. And since we had to take the week offwe would go for a hike. We are studying about forests in our curriculum so what a perfect day to do this. And the weather was BEAUTIFUL! The kids were excited to learn about this, but here is the Aha moment. They asked what about reading? Would I be able to read to them this week? Wow, that was very cool! They actually love for me to read to them! YEA!!!

We had a great time on our walk even though Mom took a fall! Ya! Dummy me was not watching where I was stepping and my foot hit a rock and it slipped out from under me. And since I have this hip problem and lack of balance from it, I went down. OUCH! But I kept going. And it was well worth it. We hit the area we were looking for, the Cattails. We had SOOOOO much fun squeezing them and helping to re-populate the cattails for next year. The area was covered with cattail seeds. Almost looked like snow. And of course we had our nature journals with us and happily water colored our wonderful cattails in our journals.

Well, all that said, for my regular readers who come here to find info out about our weekly updates with HOD, you will not find one this week! We are on a quiet week of cleaning rooms and getting things ready for other events coming up. And Mom? Well, I am staying very quiet so I can heal and get back to all the singing I do every week as soon as possible!

I hope you enjoy our pictures of our hike. 

By the way just as FYI:

The most common cause of viral laryngitis is an infection of the upper respiratory track, such as a cold or the flu. A viral case of laryngitis cannot be treated with antibiotics, which means your doctor will prescribe rest, steam inhalations, and lots of fluids. A viral laryngitis is not contagious and usually goes away in a couple of days. Using a cool-mist humidifier in the bedroom and avoid smoking may also help. Because there is no medication available to treat viral laryngitis, the best course of action is to treat the symptoms while waiting for the inflammation to go away on its own.

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