March 2025

November: Amusing Math Module

I just got my hands on the November Module of The Old School House Planner. I have all their modules so far and have used much of each one of them. This one I am not as satisfied with as I have been with the past ones. Now please do not get me wrong…do I like it…yes. Is it worth buying…absolutely! But there would be a few things I would have loved to see in it. So here is what I will do. I’ll give you my likes and my wants (not my dislike cause there was nothing I dis-liked about it).

What do I Like about it?
I loved the Magical Math. It was entertaining, fun and educational. I tried the birthday one on my friend’s husband and blew them both away. I loved that they gave me a multiplication table and practice sheets, especially since my son is just starting to learn that. Oh and the money conversion page with the websites for info on each country was great as well as the worksheets for the preschoolers.

What do I wish it had more of?
They have the multiplication and addition worksheets, where is the division and subtraction worksheets? I would have like to see less copy work and more stuff on such things like time telling or place value or fractions maybe even some sorting for the young ones etc.
All in all, I would recommend this November Module to anyone. The Old School House really knows how to put helpful, fun, educational information together on one subject all in one place for us homeschoolers.
You can purchase it for $7.95 at The Old SchoolHouse.

Score 7 out of 10

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