February 2025

National Housewife Day

When is this wonderful holiday. Well it is always on November 3rd.

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives and moms. Also referred to as "Retro" Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. They help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term. It hails back to the days when one income could support the family in a manner of comfort. It was also a time when women did not have equal rights. While these days are long gone, women views of working or staying at home, fall on both sides of the fence. The decision to be a "housewife", or stay at home mom, is still preferred by many. Unfortunately, income needs often necessitate going to work.

Today, we celebrate and thank all of the ladies who choose to stay home and tend to the house and family! 

How will I celebrate this special day? I will celebrate this day, by honoring my beloved wife, and thanking her for staying home for the family during the child rearing years. Without a doubt, our children grew up much better for it. And, I benefitted by the many sacrifices she made by staying home.

Flower of the Day: Lavender

Recipe of the Day: Pumpkin Roll


Origin of Housewife Day:

We did not find the originator of this special day. Nor, did we find any factual information.

We suspect this day was created by a housewife. By their very nature, housewives tend to stay out of the spotlight. If a housewife indeed created this day, it would be typical of her not to take credit.  The other likely creator, is a husband. In this event, he simply wants to tell the world how lucky he is to have her.

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