February 2025

Molly’s Money-Saving Digest for May 2009

TOS will be releasing a new E-book called “Molly’s Money-Saving Digest for May 2009. I have this wonderful opportunity to review this book before it comes out to you. This is such an impressive little book. It is an easy read, but packed full of laughs, information, quotes, how –to’s, money saving ideas and just great articles from other families sharing how they homeschool, save money on home furnishings etc. This book is for everyone. Not just those of us who have young ones at home. It is for those who are just starting out in homeschooling, school aged children at home or those who have highschooler ready to take the leap into the real world. Best of all, it is digital, so it does not take up any room on those already packed bookshelves.

There were three chapters that really stuck out to me as interesting and captivated my personal interest of where I am in my homeschooling or family life. The first chapter was “The Mothers Day Celebration Ideas”. This chapter was chuck full of ideas for money saving tips for DAD to help the kids make a memorable Mothers Day for you us. Naturally I had my husband read that chapter. I asked him to review it for me and tell me what he thought. After he read it, he giggled at me and said how smart I was for getting him to read that. Well, hopefully it will work and I will get one of her wonderful free ideas for my Mothers Day gift this year.

The other chapter that was a favorite was the “Feature Topic: Learning for Life—Your Child’s Education”. Being that I have a pre-schooler at home right now and with my first child I fell prey to the idea that pre-school was so very important…thanks TV. This chapter was a great reminder to me to not push my second child to this so-called pre-school excellence. Times have changed and we are made to think that if our child does not attend pre-school they will flunk out of high school, and yes, even us homeschooler are starting to believe this! Hmmm, I never went to preschool and I graduated on honor roll. She reviews this myth and helps us realized there is a better way of so-called “schooling” your pre-schooler.

Lastly the chapter titled Homeschooling for Cs was FANTASTIC. We get caught up in the fact that we homeschoolers have to educate and make our children spelling Bee winners and straight “A” students that are smarter then every other child out there and are the so called brainiacs of the world. Talk about pressure! But as this chapter is so well put, we should educate for the “C’s”. Five wonderful attributes of our children that we should be more concerned with more so then the grade and the myth of homeschoolers equal brainiacs.

I highly recommend this e-book. Besides having all the tips and laughs, it also provides you with plenty of links to help you on this journey of homeschooling, frugality and just plain parenting. You can pick up you copy the end of this month at The Old School House.

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