March 2025

Lets Make A Web Page eBook

Phyllis Wheeler is the author of Let’s Make a Web Page! eBook which she wrote to help 8-12 year old children learn to create a web page of their own. Phyllis really knows how to portray the building of a web page in a very easy plan to follow. Younger children will need a little help from you (however she does have another eBook called Lets Make a Web Page Jr. for ages 7-9) while the older children won’t have any problems creating a web page on their own. She directs each step you take leading you by the hand in the creation of your very first web page.

Your first step is to interview a person, which she explains exactly how to do this for your web page. Once you have your interview picked and done…off to make a web page we go. Phyllis will then explain HTML coding, downloading the program for building your web page, how to include a picture, adding sound, animation and then of course how to post it.

The e-book is very well written. The one thing that was great for my son and me was the fact that she includes actual pictures of the programs we are using. We are visual learners, so this was just right for us. She also talks about the concerns of safety on the Internet and explains several ways for your child to search safely. She even mentions a free way to do this. She also has a Gallery of Greats for those students who have built a fantastic web page. Go over and check out some of the other kids work.

The regular price for Let’s Make a Web Page is $29.99 but currently she has a special for $19.99. If you are like me and want to teach your kids about the computer but have NO IDEA how to do this, consider purchasing Lets Make a Web Page by Phyllis Wheeler at Motherboard Books.

Score 10 out of 10

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