March 2025
Curriculum Reviews

Latina Christiana: Memoria Press

I have wanted to start teaching a foreign language to my kids for some time now. I bought a Spanish set last year, but it was so detailed it was just TOOOOOOO much for him. So when I decided that I really wanted to start with Latin because of it’s help with learning all other foreign language I was a little taken back by all the Latin courses out there. I did not want to get another one that was way too much from the start to handle or that was boring and hard for me to teach. Guess what? The Old School House Review Team received Latina Christiana by Memoria Press to review. I was so thrilled because I had heard some really good things about Memoria Press.

The Latina Christiana was designed just for me. A person who has no experience in any foreign language especially Latin. Everything is all laid out for you and then adding the DVD’s is Perfect! The teacher, Cheryl Lowe, on the DVD is wonderful and explains things thoroughly. She reminds us that each persons dialect will be different so to relax a bit. Each of the lessons consists of grammar, vocabulary, a Latin saying, song, prayer and conjugation as well as derivatives. By the time we are finished with this book #1 we should know about 25 saying and 200 Latin words, songs, prayers and roman history. Cool!

I also received for review Famous Men of Rome curriculum that includes the Teacher Guide, Student Guide and the Roman History book with beautiful illustrations. This has 30 different stories of famous men of Rome. I have found in just a few lessons that this really helps lead us into our political history. There are several questions, map work, drawings for the children to do etc. This is suppose to be a yearlong study, but even if you do not want to make a yearlong study of it, the book is exquisite! Famous Men of Rome sells or $39.95 for the set and is geared for grade 3 (or so) and up. But like any other curriculum, it can be pared down for the younger ones like my daughter (3 ½).

What a fantastic way to end my review time with The Old School House. The Latina Christiana program comes with a teacher’s book as well as the student workbook, DVD’s and CD. I am so exited and in awe with this curriculum and how skillfully put together it is as well as the ease in which Cheryl has made it for the teacher. I have been feeling pulled towards classical way of teaching in some respects and in some subjects, but I am such a “show me what to do” type of person that I thought for sure Latin was not going to be a subject I would be able to teach. This gives me the best of both worlds.

If you have been looking for a great, easy and effective Latin study, then stop looking and go to Memoria Press. They have what you are looking for, for only $97.90, which includes the Teacher Guide, Student Book, CD, DVD and flash cards. And, if you are interested, they also have other courses of study like french, cursive, copybooks, Christian Studies, etc. Visit their website for more information on Memoria Press as well as all the wonderful products they carry for classical education.

10 out of 10

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