February 2025

HSLDA Information Regarding the Election


Register now for the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!

Co-hosted by CHEA of California and HSLDA
In cooperation with the Nevada Homeschool Network and Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Santa Clara, California
April 7–9, 2011
Thursday through Saturday

Presidential forum and straw poll at the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!

Dear Friends:

Would you like to impact the 2012 United States presidential election?

Come to the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference, where you’ll have

the opportunity to hear and be heard at the Presidential Forum and

Straw Poll!

Find out from the 2012 candidates themselves what they propose to

do for America and specifically what their policies toward homeschooling

would be. After the forum, meet the candidates at a special booth in

the exhibit hall!

Invitations have been extended to President Obama and the potential

Republican candidates known to date:

✰ President Barack Obama
✰ Rep. Michele Bachmann
✰ Gov. Haley Barbour
✰ Herman Cain—confirmed
✰ Gov. Mitch Daniels
✰ Newt Gingrich
✰ Mike Huckabee
✰ Sarah Palin
✰ Rep. Ron Paul
✰ Tim Pawlenty—confirmed
✰ Rep. Mike Pence
✰ Mitt Romney
✰ Rick Santorum—confirmed
✰ Sen. John Thune

Then, make your voice heard at the first-ever straw poll at a homeschool

conference! This unofficial vote will give both the media and the candidates

an idea of what policies and positions are most important to homeschoolers. SuperConference attendees have the opportunity to influence the direction

of the 2012 presidential campaigns!

Other conference highlights:

  • Keynote speakers Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Michael Farris, and Alex
  • and Brett Harris
  • Special guest Sharron Angle (2010 U.S. Senate candidate)
  • Featured speakers Phil Downer and Gail Efting
  • State-specific Oregon and Nevada workshops
  • FREE Introduction to Homeschooling session
  • 130 exhibit booths
  • The Rebelution Teen Convention with Alex and Brett Harris
  • Children’s Convention
  • An evening of family entertainment with musician Dennis Agajanian
  • and comedian Thor Ramsey
  • Ultimate Giveaway with prizes

Register now!

Online registration for the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference ends on

Tuesday, April 5.

We look forward to seeing you at the

Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!


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