February 2025

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost With A Personal Teacher?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I would like 2 know how much would homeschooling cost but not being taught by my parents. Almost like a tutor that comes to your house but a teacher. I want to be taught just like in a public high school but at home with a teacher because nothing is working out for me. I'm depressed and it stresses me out. It's hard because I am a very shy girl and a big part of your grade is participation and I don't like speaking up in a classroom. Also there are some disturbing students so it is hard to concentrate. Sometimes it make me feel so bad because I want another way of getting my high school diploma and be in a comfortable environment. Please give me any information about any type of schooling that would be better for me. I really need the help and advice so please help me. Thanks.

5 comments to How Much Does Homeschooling Cost With A Personal Teacher?

  • Terri

    Private tutors can be very expensive. An hourly rate in my area is $50 per hour. I know homeschool parents that have been approached by friends or aquaintences and offered $250-300 per week to “homeschool” a child, but that is elementary aged. Can’t really imagine what it would cost to have a private tutor come to your house and “teach” you just like at the highschool.
    But there are alternatives to that.
    You can do a cyberschool where you “attend” online classes and have the support of quality teachers that you can talk to.
    The cost for programs like that start around $1000 per year, UNLESS you are in a state that has online highschool for free from the school district or state.
    To find out, check out http://www.hslda.org and see what works in your state as far as homeschooling goes.
    Each state is different, so make sure you understand what is available to you.

  • wonderer

    Call your local school district. They may have a home study program. They give you the textbooks and everything that you need to study and a teacher comes to help you out once a week or so. There are some on line schools, but make sure they are accredited. Good luck!

  • Anonymous

    Hmmm….why don’t you give private school a try. The classes tend to be a lot smaller, so you wouldn’t have to speak up in front of as many people. It is good for you to learn how to speak in front of people. You will be doing it for the rest of you life in the real world. You may just have a really crappy high school. If that’s the case, you can try a different one. If there are public charter schools in your area, they may be worth looking at as well.

  • natalie barker

    yes I have a question for you my step mom wants to home school her kids which is my lil brother and sister they are 10 years old in 4th grade I think. How much would it cost in maysville, ky. But they live in germantown,ky go to Roberson county school. How much would it cost them to homeschool them with a personal teacher on a computer to talk to them when they need help with something.

  • Well, this is really a very huge question. It could go as low as completley free to $300.00 for the whole year all the way up to $100.00-$300.00 a month. It really depends on which curriculum she decides to go with. If you are wanting all on-line currciuculm with teacher access she could try Abeka online, BJU online, Alpha Omega, Veritas Press online or if you want a more public school feel K12. However, there are some other programs out there that are less expensive and may not have teacher access like Time 4 Learning, e-tutor, Enchanted Learning. There is so much out there for learning.

    The other thing that could be done is for your Step Mom to pick and choose from curriculum that looks best to her after research and maybe do a subject or two that feels to hard for her to teach and use the computer for those. I have my son learning math on line.

    Here is what I suggest she do. Spend a few weeks reading blog posts, researching homeschool curriculum and deciding on what type of homeschooling she is going to do. Another words, Boxed program, on-line only, mix and match, completely free off the Internet, Charlotte Mason Style, Classical Style etc. Then once she has decided on her style of homeschooling, just go for it! That really is the best way. The first 1-2 years is going to be finding what works. Sometimes you hit it right on the head and other times you have to drop a curriculum and move on to another one. The point is not to get stuck into a box and say this is the only THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, because you have to do what is going to work not only for the teacher, but for the children too!

    OK, I am going to stop here and do some research for you and post it in a couple days. So either come back and see what I posted or sign up to get an email when I do a post and you will get it automatically


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