February 2025

How Does College Application Work With Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

I'm interested in leaving public high school, because I have no doubt that I can teach myself more than a congested classroom could. In homeschooling, how do you take AP (Advanced Placement) courses? How does the college application process work? Please thoroughly explain the entire process.

3 comments to How Does College Application Work With Homeschooling?

  • cottagem

    H- I’m a homeschooling mom, and my two high schoolers both take a few classes at the local community college. They had to take entrance tests, but they said they were so easy it was a joke. My oldest has finished enough college credits to have her Freshman year in college finished, even though she is technically a Senior in High School. Next year she is transferring to a 4 year college. Incidentally, she applied to 4 tough schools, and was accepted by them all. She did take the ACT, and that was included in her college application packets. Incidentally, in our state (Illinois) one semester of college class counts for two semesters, or one full year of high school credit. My younger son is getting both college and high school credit for the same classes ( calculus, spanish and chemistry) and will probably have his Associates Degree done when he finishes high school.
    Now please understand, my kids are pretty typical kids. They aren’t brilliant, but they are hard workers. Anyone who is motivated can do this. Homeschooling has been a great choice for my family. Google your county or city name and home school, and you might find support systems and co-ops already in place. I wish you the very best.

  • tutor

    For a homeschooler, AP classes can be taken as a high schooler at a community college, or possibly a university. The community college worked best for both my kids. Tuition is cheaper, classes are smaller, if you have lower tier ACT score (after all, you are still in HS) they will probably still accept you, and they might even be used to homeschoolers applying. You will need your ACT and /or SAT. Just go to the admissions office (with an appointment) and ask about their procedure and requirements. Explain you are in HS and why you want to study there. It is a good idea to pick up a course catalog ahead of time and read admissions requirements and get some idea of what you want to take. Most core courses for your freshman year in college can be done ahead like this for both HS and college credit. Every college or university is a bit different so get the specifics locally. Good luck!

  • hsfromth

    If you want a very thorough explanation, you might want to read some books on the subject. One that I’ve found very helpful is called “And What About College? How homeschooling leads to admissions to the best colleges and universities” by Cafi Cohen. I found a copy of it at our public library.

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