February 2025

How Can Home-schooling Parents Start A Real School?


My Mom is trying to find out how to start a school so she can paid money for home-schooling my sister and I. How do you do that? Does anybody know? She's been looking online but can't figure anything out. Help?

4 comments to How Can Home-schooling Parents Start A Real School?

  • ASD & DYS Mum

    Just because she starts a “school” doesn’t mean she’ll receive money to teach you and your sister. The only way to receive money like that is to work at a public or private school.
    In most states, homeschools *are* considered schools – private schools. But no one is going to give her money because she teaches both of you.
    Is she thinking of teaching *other* HS’ed children? That is called tutoring or a private school. It would not be homeschooling, as the students wouldn’t be taught/overseen by their parents in their own home.
    You and your sister can attend a public online virtual school. In that case, the government will pay for your curriculum just like it would any other public school. In that way, your mom is “paid” since she wouldn’t have to spend the money on your curriculum. You’d have public school teachers overseeing your work, and your mom would act as a mentor over your daily work.
    There are homeschooling education cooperatives. In them, HS’ing parents come together to teach classes, or hire professional teachers (in our co-op most parents are “retired” teachers who decided to HS). It is a sort of “school” as you’d have different classes and instructors. If your mom taught a class at one, she may be paid a small stipend.
    If you give us more info, we can help better. Info like are you currently being HS’ed, who does your mom want to teach, why does she think anyone will give her money to teach her own daughters, etc.

  • la buena bruja

    Not to be mean, but if she’s the one teaching you grammar and writing, no one would pay her for her services! If she opens a school for others, she might get paid, but no one will pay her for teaching her own children, especially when there are public schools where she can send her children for free.

  • ?

    I gotta go with Curly on this one. In some states, homeschooling is legally opening a private school in which your children are the students. But there is no organization who pays you for teaching your own children.

  • curly

    It depends on where you live. In some states, opening a private school is a simple as registering with the state. However funding would come from tuition, and if you and your sister are the only students, who would be paying your tuition?
    Good luck 😀

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