February 2025

Homeschooling A B C’s by Knowledge Quest

Now first let me say that I am not a reader. When I first set out to homeschool I got book upon book upon book on how to homeschool, different curriculum’s to choose from and general education books. Did I read them all cover to cover? No! I skimmed over each book. Read the table of contents and read the chapters I thought were good.

I was given the opportunity to review a product called Homeschooling A B C’s. Terri from Knowledge Quest has put together a wonderful weekly study for new homeschoolers who are like me and do not want to read a 500 page book to find out how to homeschool.

When you sign up with Knowledge Quest you get a weekly email with a link to your next lesson starting with A and moving forward till you get to Z. That’s 26 lessons in all. But now this is not just s reading, you get 10 awesome bonus gifts AND over $250 worth of homeschooling curriculum and a little homework to teach the teacher how to do things. I want to wet you appetite so here are some of the topics you will study.

Determine your philosophy of education
Understand your children’s learning styles
Learn the in’s and outs of buying and selling curriculum
Find out how to get and stay organized
Learn how to teach multiple ages at the same time
Make the most of field trips
How to handle the “S” question – socialization
How to start each day WELL and keep it going that way
Get hundreds of dollars of free curriculum

Now here is one of the best things. It all comes from a Christian point of view. So now the question is how do you get your hands on it and how much is it? Right? Well is it $10.00 a month that’s $60.00 total. Now I know money is tight right now, but if you are thinking about homeschooling and really just are feeling too scared, or your ready to start and don’t know exactly where to start, then this is the e-book/weekly study you need to have. Beside I added up all the books on homeschooling I have on my shelf. They added up to around $180.00. So this is a much better deal and it gives you all the information you need to get your homeschool up and running in as little as 48 hours. Stop by their website Homeschool ABC’s and check them out.

Score 8 out of 10

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