February 2025

Homeschool Toolbar

Have some of you ever wondered what other homeschool blogs are out there that are about homeschooling? Have you done a search on Google or whatever other search engine you use and have come up with blogs that are just not what you are looking for? I found a great add on for your internet bar. It is called Homeschool Toolbar.

It is free from spyware as well as those silly pop ups that you get with many other toolbars out there. The reason I really liked it was because it has a tab on there of very select homeschool blogs that are interesting and have been chosen because of good content. And they are constantly updating the blogs that are added.

There are also buttons on there for integrated Twitter & Facebook apps, organizing tools such as a To do list, notepad, calculator, conversion charts, maps and more, weather in your local area, search bar, parenting news, HS feeds, homeschool communities and forums, alerts, and even a radio connected to "Positive & Encouraging K-LOVE" . Here is the best thing of all. It is FREE! Hey how much better can that get. Check out Homeschool Toolbar and see if it something you want to add to your internet tool bar. I know I love mine!

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