February 2025

Free Online Class

You all know CurrClick is one of my favorite e-book/e-curriculum sites I go to. They are always giving something away for free and they have a wonderful selection of curriculum you can choose from. All you have to do is download it and you have it right away to either print or read off the screen.

Over the past years or so they have added live online classes of all kinds. Most of the classes are run by other homeschoolers who either have a heart for the subject like the Lego class my son and I take monthly or have extreme knowledge about a certain academic or even credentials like the class below.

There is a class coming up this week that I thought ALL of my readers would be interested in. Why ALL of you? Because it is free and it is the type of subject all homeschoolers can benefit from. This will give you a chance to see how the online classes are run and get a feeling for whether this type of online learning would be right for you and your family.

The class I am talking about is called "Reading Comprehension and Strategies Class: Essay Writers Shop for ages 8-13".  It will be taking place on March 15 at 1:00pm central time. Here is the link so you can take a peek at the information regarding the class as well as to sign up for it! http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=44414

I know some of you may have children that are too young for this class, but there is no reason you could not take the class yourself and get a little bit out of it for your own reading comprehension as well as for the future of teaching your child.

After the class, leave me a comment and let me know what you liked and disliked about the online class. Did you get anything from it, how was the teacher, what did your child think etc? Of course I will be posting a review later too. So, I will catch you all on Tuesday at the class.

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