March 2025
Curriculum Reviews

Five in a Row

Last year my son and I learned a little bit about Early American History. Just mainly the Indians. We used a well know literature based curriculum. To this day my son can recite the information he learned from those books. Now you may be asking why do I bring that up when I am reviewing Five In A Row (FIAR). Well, because that is basically what FIAR is. A literature based curriculum. Here is basically what you do. Each day for 5 days you read the same book. From that you will teach about Bible, Science, Literature, Geography, Social Studies, Math, Health, Art, and Language etc.

Jane Claire Lambert is a very talented lady to have put these books together. She has curriculum from Pr-K ($24.95), which was the book I received all the way to Beyond FIAR ($24.95). But I have to mention that I was also given, by a friend, FIAR volume 1 ($35.00) as well as FIAR Bible Study Supplement ($25.00).

Now, first let me say I am not a unit study type of person. I like curriculum that spells it all out for me and then if I want to research and add then I can. If you are like me then this curriculum might be a bit burdensome. There is prep work to do at the end of each week to prepare for the following week.

As for the Pre-K, it was really not that much prep work and my daughter (3) as well as my son (7) really enjoyed the books. We had a lot of fun going through the Pre-K FIAR.

I decided that since my friend was giving me her very used volume 1 of FIAR, I would give it a try too. Once again I did not expect the prep work involved so I was not prepared that first week. However, once I got the hang of it, I felt that this was a very gentle approach to school at home and by adding in a phonics program and a math program this would make a complete curriculum.

However, the Bible Study Supplement I LOVED! I found that reading all the stories and finding ways to incorporate the Bible into these stories was phenomenal. My kids enjoyed it and got a lot out of it.

I have very mixed feelings on the basic curriculum though. I liked it and I think this would work for those who want a more relaxed approach to school and for those parents who are willing to spend a little time researching the information that is needed to teach. I LOVE the idea a reading literature to teach!!!! Will I continue to use this curriculum? Yes, but as a supplement. Will I continue to use the Bible Study? Absolutely, with out a doubt!

Here is what I think you should do. Check out the site, check out their message boards, their price list and see for yourself. See what you think. Once again if you like unit studies then this would be great for you. If you like it all spelled out, then this might be a great supplement.

7 out of 10 and 9 out of 10 (Bible Study)

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