March 2025

Darn, Vacation is Over!

Well, we are back from vacation and we had such a great time. We went to Lego Land. I think this was my children's favorite place of all. I think this was my favorite too. We saved about $175.00 on entrance fees. For all of you who may want to go but can not afford the $69 adult and $59 children entrance fee, go to and click on Homeschool. it is only $21.00 per person to get in. Make sure you bring your Homeschool ID. Fantastic deal, fantastic fun! Anyway, my son still wants to be a Master Lego builder when he grows up. So in a few years we will be teaching some of the things he will need for that like drafting and architecture etc.

For those of you who have never been to San Diego, there is a cultural area called Balboa Park. There are SOOOOO many museums. There is no way a person could take in everything in one day. It would take a week or more. Anyway, we went to the Model Train museum. My son was in HOG HEAVEN! He loves trains and would like to have a modle train set, but he is just not responsible enough yet for a $300 train set (at the cheap end). You know what I mean? I figure in a couple more years he will mature enough to take better care of his toys and then we will consider it then. My daughter got bored, but she was a good sport and understood that everyone gets a turn.

Well, then it was my turn. We went to the Botanical Gardens. It was not as large as I was hoping, but it was very beautiful. I took a ton of pictures of the plants for my kids and myself to draw in our nature journals when we get home. yes, I know you are suppose to do it as you see them, but we forgot to bring our nature journals on our trip.

We also went to was the San Diego Kids Museum. Now we have a Kids Museum in Santa Ana, close to where we live, but that place is, well for lack of better words, a dive! Sorry, but it is run down, the toys and stuff are very much for toddlers and it is just all around BAD! Boy I wish we had one like the one in San Diego. We spent 5 1/2 hours there. Can you believe it? It was so much fun! I was worried that my son (9) would get bored, but he just kept building and building with these blocks called Rokenbok Blocks. Thay are soooooo cool. They are actually better then Legos. Oh No! Did I just say that? LOL!  My husband had to actually make him stop building so he could see the rest of the Museum before it closed.

Oh my, I almost forgot. We saw a Magic Show too. The Welk's Resort, where we stayed, has their own theater that has different stage show throughout the week. We decided to go see the magic show. The kids were just in Awww of some of the things the magician did. He was pretty good. What was even more amazing is that my husband got picked out of the audience to go on stage. The Magician was in a drum covered in water, handcuffed and bolted in. It was very funny and lost of fun to see my hubby on stage. Oh, and yes the magician got out just fine. I think what was so funny about this was the magicians name was Anthony as well as my husbands name is too. So every time the assistant said Anthony will get into the drum and lock himself…blah, blah, blah, She would look at my husband like, well, when are you going to take your shoes off and get in? It was quite funny. We had a great time and the kids wanted to get a few magic tricks after the show to amaze their friends! So firneds, remember to be amazed when we see you next!

Of course we spent time at the resort playing games, taking walks, watching movies and just having some family time. Oh Yes, and I got a  day to SCRAP! OMGosh. I have not scrapped in almost 2 years. What a pleasure it was. I got caught up, somewhat. I can not wait to scrap again. My daughter and I spent a little time scrapping too. We made thank you cards for the people who helped take care of all our animals. What a great Mom and Daughter time we had!

Anyway, I was not actually planning to write anything about the vacation. Just post the pictures for my friends and family to look over, but then again, I have a hard time shutting up. LOL!

Enjoy the pictures!

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