February 2025
Curriculum Reviews

Critical Thinking

Critical Thining is a company who has so many parent, teacher in addition to other educational awards as well as they should. First let me say that I actually have been using Critical Thinking Language Arts for my son for a year now and we love it. But then I got so lucky as to review 2 math books. One for my son, Level B: Mathematical reasoning and one for my daughter Beginning 1: Mathematical Reasoning. So I am going to review each product separately.

Level B: Mathematical Reasoning:
Now first I do have to say that I was given 1st grade math and my son is currently doing 2nd grade math. But I had him go through this math book skipping around to some things that I thought might be a great review or a bit more challenging for him. He loved it! He thought that this was a great math book. He loved the fact that the whole book is in color, which makes it more interesting and he love, the fact that the pages did not have too much stuff on them. You know how some math books can have 20 addition problems on a page. For some children, my son, that can be very overwhelming and way too busy. This math books is more then just drill, its concepts that are built upon. And we love that. You never just sit stagnant on the same subject for days and days, but a continual review of what has been learned my son give this a 10 out of 10 and said he would like to get the next grade level up for our next years math! We will be ordering soon!

But the only thing I did not like is the fact there are no suggestions on how to go about teaching. Like another math program I use it give you daily suggestions to help guide the parent on what to teach and review etc. But at this stage in math I think it is pretty easy to figure out. I give this one an 8 out of 10.

Beginning 1: mathematical Reasoning:
My daughter, 3 ½, loved this. The very first day we did 7 pages. The next day we did 8 and so on. Currently we have been just doing flash cards and some hands on things etc. So this is her first math workbook. Everyday she asks to do math now. With this book it seems to again just build and build upon what she has learned. The book is easy enough that it captures and retains her attention but hard enough that she is learning as we go I am so thankful for getting this math book. My daughter and I give a 10 out of 10 for this product.

So overall, I think you can see that we love Critical Thinking. We will be ordering more books from them for our next years’ classes. Now the Beginning 1 is $29.99 and the Level B is $32.99. That’s not bad considering what I currently pay for my math program now. Check them out. Homeschool conventions are going to be starting soon. See if they are there and take a hand on look or even go to their site. They have plenty of sample pages for each of the curriculum so you can give it a try with your child. I don’t think you will be sorry you tried their products. There is always room for some Mathematical reasoning!!!

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