February 2025

California History


Fourth Grade California History Education Program
Dear Irvine Park Railroad Friends,

We are now accepting reservations for Irvine Park Railroad's Fourth Grade California History Education Program! Call today to reserve your spot for one of these days: 

Public Day: Saturday, February 11, 2012 
10:00 am and 1:00 pm 
Home Schools: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 
1:00 pm 

This event is very popular and advanced reservations are required. Please call Irvine Park Railroad at 714-997-3968 to schedule your date and time.

For prices, detailed information or pictures of last year's event please visit us online at www.IrvineParkRailroad.com.  


Train Ride

Train Ride

The train takes visitors on a trip through beautiful Irvine Regional Park. Passengers will learn about the history of California and the transcontinental railroad.


Mine Shaft

Mine Shaft

Visitors will have fun as they explore the depths of the    mine shaft. Visitors will also be able to see the types of tools used to dig and navigate through the mines.



Panning for Gold

Panning for Gold

 All visitors will enjoy the experience of panning for gold using a working water trough. Visitors will be educated on tools as well as the rush in economy and population growth in during California's early days. 


Miner's Camp

Miner's Camp
All visitors will experience a fun and real life demonstration given by a "49er" on life during the gold rush. This camp has all of the daily tools and equipment used by miners. 

Water Wheel

Water Wheel Demonstration
The water wheel demonstration is a true-to-life replica of a water wheel. Enjoy the water wheel and learn the importance of water during the gold rush.

Fourth Grade

Wagons, Buggies & Transportation
This portion of the program includes education on routes that settlers took to get to California from all directions of the country and the lives they led while making the cross country journey.
Call Irvine Park Railroad today at (714) 997-3968 to make a reservation for the California History Education Program.
Your Friends at Irvine Park Railroad


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