February 2025

Blackline Maps for FREE

I am a firm believer in using map as much as you possibly can. As a child growing up I remember that maps were only used in geography and even then it was minimal. Therefore as an adult I really had a hard time knowing where things were when people would talk about world events. So as an adult I decided to start learning about where places were in the world.

Well needless to say I do not want my children growing up like that. There are several homeschool companies out there that sell CD's of black-line maps. And some are very reasonable. However, I like to save a buck anytime I possibly can when it comes to my school supplies and curriculum. So I went digging. Yes, there are some free maps out there of course. But most of them I have used either print with tons of advertising or they don;t print on the whole page or whatever.

I fund a great site with all sorts of maps of all over the worlds as well as some game ideas and interactive maps too. It is called Click and Learn. And it is all free.

I know for all those HOD users, this will be very valuable to you. Free is always good. Enjoy your maps!

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