February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

Autumn Treasures, Download N Go

 I have to admit this unit study, Autumn Treasures, Download N Go™ Series By Amanda Bennett is actually very easy to use and drawn out nicely for the teacher. It really could not be easier! It gives you so many resources to go to. Books, as well as on line links to videos, which I love that idea. Poetry and worksheets to do either orally for the younger students or written for the older students, vocabulary etc. Looks to me that Amanda certainly did a lot of research on this project. Autumn Treasures, Download N Go™ Series is a one-week unit study, with just five daily lessons and a lapbook you put together daily. I like that there are really not any preparation or any other expensive items that are required with this series other then the few things you may need for the lapbook.

I have to mention that the lapbook is all ready for you to print and cut out. It is in full color and ready for your child to add his or her thoughts, vocabulary words etc. In my case, we are using the lapbook components, but we are using them in a notebooking style. The activities are planned out  one per day and this whole project is only 1 week long so you can have your child connecting the stunning things of our autumn environment around us with real life science. If you were looking for a short study about autumn for your child to understand the change in the seasons, then this would work for you. You can pick up your copy at The Old Schoolhouse.

4 out of 5

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