March 2025

About NutBugs

I have been happily married since 1986 (we were 18) and after 16 years of marriage we decided to have kids. I have a son Vincent (2002) and a daughter Raquel (2005).  I'm bringing my kids up in a Godly education without the concerns about Socialization in the traditional school setting and all the worries that may go along with that. With the lack of God in the schools and the illiteracy rates I felt I had to find another option for the treasures that God gave me, my children. So, I decide to homeschool and to raise up MY children in the way of the Lord not in the the way of the world. Cause what we teach today is what we will reap tomorrow.  With that all in mind, I started because I knew there were other people out there like me who wanted to read many different blogs and posts to help them better understand homeschooling, teaching and curriculum choices. Also to help those around me that are like minded and are asking the question…Should I homeschool? Hopefully this blog will not only help with some articles either I have written or articles I have read and re-posted here. but I also want to give back to the homeschool community with curriculum reviews as well as free curriculum that I have found out in the world wide web. As an example of what I mean by socilization in the traditional school setting, I saw this played out in my own school years: Kids (age 12) are gathered around a locker. A girl walks by and one of them makes a snicker and says "Ewww, look at her dress!!!!" in a snide nasty voice.  This is a daily routine in school. Kids feel valued by their dress, conformity to the media and what kids say about them. When they should be more concerned with obedience to their parents, to God and their school work. A Homeschooled  kid knows how to socialize with kids thier own age , younger kids (they helps her younger brother), teenagers (all aged kids are together) and in conversation with adults (they are around them all day not just at dinner time). So they now have an ability to communicate effectively with everyone instead of age-segregated socializing as we see in a traditional school settings. I also worry about the teacher who is a molester but not caught. The bully beating up on kids. I worry about drugs, alcohol & sex kids are having on the buses.  I worry about the confusion of un-teaching things that we do not agree with that are being taught as FACT not theory in school. I worry about condoms given to kids at 10 yrs of age in our schools. For those who may ask the question, Don't you worry about Socialization? Yea, I worry about it!!! I worry about all the things that come along with socialization that you just read about above. But let us all re-evaluate in 15 years when all our kids, homeschooled and traditional school, are grown and see where each kid goes in life and what each one believes in. That is the real test. Remember we are raising the future. If we want a bunch of adults who are scared to speak out for their own beliefs or who's morals are really all messed up and of the world, then that's what you need to start teaching today whether in your homeschool or in your traditional school. Like I said before, what we teach today is what we will reap tomorrow. Now if you are wondering where I came up with the name NutBugs, you stopped to read the right article. When my son was in my tummy, we called him "little buggy" because it felt like a little bug was fluttering around in there. It stuck all the way to today. Even my license plate has buggy on it. Although today we have shortened it to Bug. A little more mature for a 7 year old boy. When my daughter was in my tummy we called her "peanut butter cup" because the first picture we saw of her she looked like a peanut and as time went on before she was born we just kept adding to peanut. We still call her that today or some derivative of it. When I decided to start this blog,  I had to name my blog after my kids, but I certainly did not want to use their real names. I originally was going to name the blog with their nick names in birth order. (BugNuts) But I think after you just read that, you can see why it might not be the perfect name especially for a Christian homeschool blog. So I had to revers the order.  And that is the birth and naming of I hope you enjoy this site. I would love to hear your comments and even constructive criticism. May God bless you in your endeavor in the world of Christian Homeschooling! Anthony and Kristin