February 2010

Which Home-school Curriculums Are Based On A Young Earth View Of History And Science?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm looking into home-school curriculum and have noticed that many say they are Biblical in basis, but are not being specific about their view of history. I want to choose textbooks/ curriculum that are not going to be filled with "millions of years ago". Can anyone offer assistance? Thanks

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How Do You Go From Plublic School To Home Shcooling Your Child?

Readers Forum:

Well my daughter goes to public school but lately she has been missing school do to her asthma she has always had this problem but it never occur to me that maybe we should do home school but How do you start to home school ?I really don't even know where to start

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What Are The Biggest Problems That Parents Who Home School Face?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Do you struggle with not knowing all of the effective techniques that a certified teacher would know? Do you have trouble making the learning experiences fun and meaningful? If someone started a business as a home school consultant, what specific types of services should he or she provide to

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Encouraging the Reluctant Writer

Isn’t it amazing how different each of our children can be? As homeschoolers, we get to witness this first hand as we work with our students at home. Out of four children, I have one who can hardly wait to get started and could write pages upon pages of information or

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